The PULSE project originates within the research group Coastal Design Lab - CDL established at the Department of Architecture and Design of UniGe in 2014. CDL focuses on the design of the operational coastline, urban-port waterfronts and related architectural heritage.
PULSE Scientific Collaborations
COASTAL DESIGN LAB is an Integrated Design Studio of the Master Architecture Program of the Polytechnic School of Genoa (IT), DAD Department Architecture and Design. From 2014, COASTAL DESIGN LAB works in the field of architecture and urbanism, focusing in particular on infrastructures, port cities, weak landscapes and urban regeneration. COASTAL DESIGN LAB is coordinated by Full Professor Arch. Carmen Andriani.
Carmen Andriani | Architect, Full Professorof Architecture and UrbanDesign at dAD, UniGe. Herscientific research includesthe relationship betweeninfrastructure, landscapeand heritage. Since 2014, shedirects the Integrated StudioCoastal Design Lab at dAD. Shehas been a Visiting Professorin architectural schools suchas Tongji University and FloridaInternational University. She publishes and lectures worldwide (Canada, Spain, Uruguay).
Davide Servente | Architect, PhD, AssistantProfessor in Architecturaland Urban Composition at atdAD, UniGe. He founded themultidisciplinary researchcollective ICAR65. His researchfocuses on the relationshipbetween public art, urbanspaces, ordinariness inarchitecture and strategiesfor coastal heritage reuse. In2020, he published for Sagepthe books “Il Museo PopUp. Artepubblica e spazio urbano” and“Abitare nel Tempo. Venti ville delNovecento” (with A. Canevari).
Association of Italian Ports to which the 16 Italian Port System Authorities (AdSP) belong. Assoporti offers the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, other interested Ministries and the European Union useful consultations and contributions on port issues, also highlighting the role and importance of ports for the Italian and EU economy.
International research group (Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities - NL) that explores port cities particularities and proposes spatial planning and design measures for the use of this limited space so that the port and city (and region) can jointly evolve. Directed by Carola Hein (TU Delft), PortCityFutures employs interdisciplinary methods and long-term perspectives to connect political, economic, social, and cultural dimensions of spatial use.
CIELI’s mission is applying scientific research and advanced training to the logistics and transport sector, integrating its different thematic areas (shipping, land transport, air transport, supply chain, industrial logistics, distributive logistics, security, ICT for future logistics and transport security, etc.). CIELI enhances qualified skills in the field of logistics and transport of lecturers and researchers from Genoa University’s Social Sciences School and the Polytechnic School and organises them in the context of specific projects: interdisciplinarity is a value and a distinctive factor and strength of the Centre.
Centro Italiano di Eccellenza sulla Logistica i trasporti e le Infrastrutture - CIELI, UniGe