
Sources, references and literature structure PULSE's research. It is grounded in a multi-disciplinary approach that spans architecture, spatial studies, morphology, regional geography, logistics and territorial economics and is in perpetual construction.

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Brenner N., Schmidt C. (2015). “Towards a new epistemology of the urban?”. City, 19, 2-3: 151-182.               

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Couling N. (2015). The Role of Ocean Space in Contemporary Urbanization, EPFL Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne.                                                                                                                                                  

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De Langen, P. W. (2005), “Improving Training and Education in Clusters - Lessons from Three Port Clusters”. 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "Land Use and Water Management in a Sustainable Network Society", 23-27 August 2005, Amsterdam.                                                                    


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Doherty G., Waldheim C. (eds.) (2015). Is Landscape...? Essays on the Identity of Land­scape, Oxford: Routledge.                                                                                                                                                                        

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Ducruet, C., Notteboom, T. (2020). "Revisiting port systems delineation through an analysis of maritime interdependencies among seaports". GeoJournal, Springer Verlag.                                                                      

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Ducruet C. (2020). “The geography of maritime networks: A critical review". Journal of Transport Geography, Elsevier, 88, pp.102824. 

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Ducruet, C., Notteboom, T. (2012), “The worldwide maritime network of container shipping: spatial structure and regional dynamics”. Global Networks, 12, pp. 395-423. 

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Ducruet C. (2009), "Port regions and globalization", in Notteboom, T.E., Ducruet C., De Langen P.W. (eds.), Ports in Proximity: Competion and Coordination among Adjacent Seaports, Aldershot, Ashgate, pp. 41-53.

ESSAY [English]

Ducruet C., Zaidi F. (2012), “Maritime constellations: A complex network approach to shipping and ports”. Maritime Policy and Management, Special issue on "The Geography of Maritime Transport: Space as a Perspective in Maritime Transport Research,  39 (2), pp.151-168.                                                               

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Hein C., van Mill Y.l, Azman-Momirski L., (2023). Port City Atlas. Mapping European Port City Territories: From Understanding to Design, Rotterdam: nai010 publishers.                                                                                         

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Hein, C. (2011). Port Cities. Dynamic Landscapes and Global Networks. Routledge.                                           

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Khosravi H., Bacchin T.K., LaFleur F. (2019), Aesthetics and Politics of Logistics. Venice and Rotterdam: Humboldt Books.                                                                                                                                                                         

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Kowalewski M. (2021), “Images and Spaces of Port Cities in Transition". Space and Culture, 24(1), pp. 53–65, SAGE. 

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Haezendonck E., Langenus M. (2018), “Integrated ports clusters and competitive advantage in an extended resource pool for the Antwerp Seaport”. Maritime Policy & Management, ISSN: 0308-8839.

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Kocsis, A. (2011). “The role of port clusters in theory and practice”. Regional and Business Studies, 3(2 Suppl.), pp. 51–60. 

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LeCavalier J. (2019). “Human exclusion zones: Logistics and new machine landscapes”. AD Architectural Design, 89, 1, pp. 48-55.                                                                                                                                               

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Li D., Xin X., Zhou S. (2023), “Integrated governance of the Yangtze River Delta port cluster using niche theory: A case study of Shanghai Port and Ningbo-Zhoushan Port”. Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 234, ISSN 0964-5691.

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Lyster C. (2019). “Disciplinary hybrids: Retail Landscapes of the Post-Human City”. AD Architectural Design. Special Issue: Machine Landscape. Architecture of the Post-Anthropocene, 89, pp. 100-105.                                                  

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Massey D. (2005). For Space. London: Sage.                                                                                                           

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Moretti, B. (2020). Beyond the Port City. The Condition of Portuality and the Threshold Concept, Berlin: JOVIS Verlag GmbH.                                                                                                                                                                    

BOOK [English]

Moretti B., Komossa S., Marzot N., Andriani C., (2019). “States of co-existence and border projects in port cities: Genoa and Rotterdam compared." Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Urban Design and Planning, 172(5), 191-202.                                                                                                                                           

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Nesbit J. S., Waldheim C. (2022) (eds.). Technical Lands: A Critical Primer, Berlin: JOVIS Verlag GmbH.       

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Notteboom T., Pallis A., Rodrigue J.P. (2021). Port Economics, Management and Policy. New York: Routledge.

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Notteboom T., Rodrigue J.P. (2005). “Port Regionalization: Towards a New Phase in Port Development. Maritime Policy and Management, 32, 297–313.                                                                                                                                       

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Pavia R. (2016). "Il sistema portuale italiano tra crisi e riforme." PORTUS, Focus, 31, RETE.

Serra, P., Mancini, S., Fancello, G., Sollai, F., Fadda, P. (2022). “Port Clusters as an Opportunity for Optimizing Small-Scale LNG Distribution Chains: An Application to the Mediterranean Case in Gervasi, O., Murgante, B., Misra, S., Rocha, A.M.A.C., Garau, C. (eds) Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2022 Workshops. ICCSA 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13381. Springer, Cham. 


Soja E. W. (2016), “Regional Urbanization and the End of the Metropolis Era”, in Oriol Nello, Renata Mele (eds.) Cities in the 21st Century. New York: Routledge. ISBN 9781315652221.                                                                                   

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van den Berg, L., Braun, E., & van Winden, W. (2001). “Growth Clusters in European Cities: An Integral Approach”. Urban Studies, 38(1), 185-205.                                                                                                               

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Vorley T. (2008). "The Geographic Cluster: A Historical Review." Geography Compass, Wiley Online Library.

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Waldheim C. (2016). Landscape as Urbanism: A General Theory. Princeton: Princeton University Press.                          

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Young L. (2019). Machine Landscapes: Architectures of the Post-Anthropocene. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Inc.                                                                                                                                                                                   

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This bibliographic selection was created to prepare the project proposal "PortCLAN. The Port-CLuster LANdscape: Towards a Spatial-Planning Approach", Call: MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021, Type of Action: HORIZON TMA MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships - European Fellowships, Proposal number: 101063088, which has been awarded with the Seal of Excellence in 2022 and from which the PULSE research project descends as a subsequent adaptation.
Thanks to the continuous study and contribution of scholars and colleagues, the Sources are constantly being improved.

Last update 1 July 2024