
PULSE is implemented at the University of Genoa, Italy, with the Department of Architecture and Design - DAD acting as Host Institution.

Project full title
The Port-clUster LandScapE: Developing a Spatial and Design Approach to Port Clusters

Project acronym

Host Institution - HI
University of Genoa – UniGe (IT)
Department Architecture and Design – DAD 

Disciplinary scientific sector
ICAR/14 – Architectural and Urban Design

Principal Investigator and Scientific Director - PI+SD
PhD Architect, RTDA Researcher, UniGe – DAD 
Beatrice Moretti

Project timing
24 months (2023/2024)

Project code

Official collaborators
M.Arch. Giulia Ansaldi
Graphics, visuals and editorial support
(June - December 2024)

Principal Investigator and Scientific Director

Beatrice Moretti
M. Arch, PhD

Principal Investigator and Scientific Director - PI+SD
RTDA Researcher, UniGe – DAD 

PhD Architect, Assistant Professor (RtdA) at DAD - Department Architecture and Design, University of Genoa (UniGe). Moretti holds the Seal of Excellence Certificate for the proposal submitted, with Delft University of Technology, under the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, MSCA PF 2021
Currently, she is Principal Investigator and Scientific Director for the research project "PULSE - The Port-clUster LandScapE: Developing a Spatial and Design Approach to Port Clusters", host institution UniGe-DAD, funded under the NextGenerationEU Program.

From 2010 to 2015, she has been Research Fellow at Genoa Urban Lab and at Genoa Port Authority. Since 2015, she is Teaching Assistant within the design studio Coastal Design Lab led by Prof. Carmen Andriani (MSc Course in Architecture) and, in 2020/2021, she has collaborated in teaching activities on Landscape Design at DAStU POLIMI (MSc in Landscape Architecture and Heritage). 
In 2018, she co-founds caarpa, a collective project that combines architecture and landscape; in the same year, she has been Guest Researcher at Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Between 2019 and 2022, she has been Lecturer at DAD and DICCA (UniGe) in Landscape Urbanism and Architectural Composition (MSc Courses in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and BSc Course in Architectural Sciences) . On behalf of dAD, she is also Professor in the International Architectural Seminar “Villard”
She is Visiting Critic in international universities, such as the Peter Beherens School of Arts in Düsseldorf (2021) and Florida International University – FIU Genoa Program (2022).

Since 2021, she is part of the interdisciplinary research group PortCityFutures (Leiden-Delft-Rotterdam) and editorial member of SEASCAPE - International Journal of Architecture, Urbanism and Geomorphology of Coastal Landscapes (Pescara). She is also in the editorial board of the ANVUR scientific journals GUD - Genova University Design (Genoa) and jADH | Journal of Architectural Design and History (Mantua). In 2022, she was scientific consultant for AIVP - The worldwide network of port cities within the MAGPIE H2020 Smart Green Ports Project. 

Moretti has lectured at several Italian and foreign universities including the University of Trento and the University of Basilicata, the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, the ETH Zürich and the CAU - Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea. 

Moretti is author of several essays and of the books “Un colle, un transatlantico, un nome. Tre storie sul porto di Genova” (Sagep, 2018), “Beyond the Port City. The Condition of Portuality and the Threshold Concept” (JOVIS, 2020) and “A Landscape Infra-structure Research. Roma Tuscolana Pilot Project” (ListLab, 2022, with G. Tucci).

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Last update 17 June 2024