
Throughout the course of the research, here will be collected all the updates and the news (press, videos, articles,  lectures and guest lectures) related to the PULSE project.

Lisbon (PT) | November 27th-29th, 2024         
AIVP World Conference Cities & Ports

Beatrice Moretti takes part in the Parallel Session Panel Track “Port City Interface and Climate Change” with the presentation titled “Investigating Port Spatiality along and across the Land-Sea Threshold. Tools for a Cluster Study”.

World Conference Cities & Ports "Open Piers: Steering flows between people, planet, and port cities"          
Organized by AIVP - The Worldwide Network of Port Cities and the Port of Lisbon 
Champalimaud Centre, Lisbon (PT)       
November 27th-29th 2024

Mantova (IT) | November 14th-16th, 2024         
ProArch Forum XI  "Traiettorie. Il progetto di architettura tra pensiero e pratica"         

Beatrice Moretti takes part in the XI ProArch Forum entitled "Traiettorie. Il progetto di architettura tra pensiero e pratica" hosted in Mantova. ProArch is the Scientific Society of Italian University Professors in Architectural and Urban Design (ICAR/14, 15, 16) and organizes a national conference each year.          
Beatrice Moretti contributes to the Call for Abstracts in the "Didattica" section, by proposing an interpretation of the term "Grammar" applied to the syntax of port cities and their extraordinary constituent components for the project.    

ProArch Forum XI       
Politecnico di Milano, Polo Territoriale di Mantova, Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica e Ingegneria delle Costruzioni DABC | Dipartimento di Architettura , Mantova (IT)
November 14th-16th, 2024 

Marceddì (OR) | September 8th-14th, 2024         
Costa Produttiva Lab

Beatrice Moretti will participate, as project atelier co-supervisor with Professors Carmen Andriani and Davide Servente (Coastal Design Lab), at the Costa Produttiva Lab International Summer School on Architectural and Landscape Design. For one week, Marceddì, on the west coast of Sardinia, will be a place for reflection and design practice on the complex territorial/productive system in which the fishing village is integrated; the Summer School will be an opportunity to reflect - through a series of seminars - and to practice - within thematic project ateliers - the different scales of the project. The goal is the definition of scenarios for new ecological, productive and cultural networks oriented towards the fishing territories. The Summer School involves five international schools: Cagliari, Chieti-Pescara, Genoa, Porto and Toulouse.

Organized by University of Cagliari - DICAAR and Municipality of Terralba within the Research Group LRC | Laboratorio Ricerche in Costa    
Founded by Sardinia Region   
Scientific Coordination: Giovanni Battista Cocco (DICAAR Cagliari)
Activity co-ordination: Andrea Cadelano (DICAAR Cagliari) 
Marceddì (OR, Sardinia, IT) 
September 8th-14th - CET

Naples (IT) | June 28th, 2024         
Master in Sustainable Planning and Design of Port Areas        

Beatrice Moretti     
Aesthetics and grammar of ports. The emporium, the gateway, the cluster

Beatrice Moretti gives a lecture which explores the features of port constructions by foregrounding the technological, commercial, logistical and governance developments that have impacted the spatiality of ports, determining their aesthetics and grammar.     

Organized within the 2nd level university Master's Degree in "Sustainable planning and design of port areas", held by University Federico II of Naples, Department of Architecture - DiARC in cooperation with CNR-Iriss.    
Curated by Prof. Maria Cerreta, PhD Arch. Gaia Daldanise    
University Federico II of Naples (IT)    
May 28th, 15:00/17:00 - CET

Genoa (IT) | May 18th, 2024         

Beatrice Moretti     
Port geographies. From abstract models to morphological maps

Beatrice Moretti participates in the second workshop of Meccanismi Manifesti that aims to analyse the theme of logistics, studying the territorial evolutions affecting Genoa, identifying Val Polcevera as a case study. 

Organized by Meccanismi Manifesti (Laboratorio Sociale BURIDDA and the Cultural Association DISORDERDRAMA).      
Circolo BARABINI di TRASTA, Genoa (IT)      
May 18th, 14:00/17:00 - CET

La Spezia (IT) | May 11th, 2024         
DEPORTIBUS, Il festival dei porti che collegano il mondo         

Beatrice Moretti takes part in the Technical Summit "The Horizon of European Port Cities", curated by FABRICA [lab.eu], on the topic of contemporary port cities, port heritage and port clusters by illustrating her research activities within the Coastal Design Lab and the PULSE project.

Organized by Italian Blue Growth and Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea     
Technical Summit moderated by Paolo Marcesini (Italia Circolare) and Daniela Cappelletti (FABRICA [lab.eu])        
Terminal Crociere La Spezia (IT)         
May 10th - 12th - CET

Genoa (IT) | April 18th, 2024         
Land-In-Pro 1st Seminar Cycle, “Perspectives on (post)industrial heritage and landscapes”      

Beatrice Moretti     
The Port as a Landscape. Research and Design Experiences

Beatrice Moretti gives a lecture exploring the criticality and potential of the extended port landscape to be defined, studied and designed as a component of the built heritage. The lecture will be followed by a co-design activity proposed to the students during which they will be prompted to ask themselves some key questions, such as "is the port landscape?","is the port heritage?", "is the port architecture?”.         

Organized within the EU-funded research project "Land-In-Pro, “Landscapes of Industrial Production: Documenting and Assessing (post)Industrial Landscapes as Resources”, WP5 – Knowledge transfer and dissemination – OpenScience Practices: co-design and co-creation activities. Dr. Federica Pompejano, RTD-A (Principal Investigator) with Sara Rocco (Land-In-Pro Postdoctoral Researcher). As part of the PRINCIPLES OF CONSERVATION course of the Master Degree in Architecture ARCHITECTURAL COMPOSITION.         
h 14:30 18:30 - CET

Genoa (IT) | April 15th, 2024         
Conceptualizing Port City Territories: History, Heritage and Design  |         
Mapping European Port City Territories         

The Guest Lectures 07 and 08 are held by Carola Hein (Full Professor of History of  Architecture and Urban Planning, TU Delft, PortCityFutures Centre) and Yvonne van Mill (Scientific Researcher Spatial History & Geospatial Mapping, TU Delft, PortCityFutures Centre), both explore themes, methods and operational approaches to port mapping as a visual foundation for understanding port city territories in the European context. The two lectures will illustrate the volume Port City Atlas. Mapping European Port City Territories: From Understanding to Design, edited by Carola Hein, Yvonne van Mil and Lucija Ažman-Momirski (nai010 publishers, TU Delft, LDE PortCityFutures, 2023).         

University of Genoa - DAD          
Master Degree Course in Architecture, a.y. 2023/2023         
Professors: Beatrice Moretti, Matteo Vianello; Webinar Live (Blue Room at UniGe - DAD and Microsoft Teams); To connect: https://urly.it/3-6wz

Genoa (IT) | April 15th, 2024         
PULSE INTERIM EVENT - “Representing& Crossing the Port-Cluster Landscape: Workshops Maps (WsMs)” 

Beatrice Moretti, PULSE PI, organizes the second of the 3 Co-design & co-creation Events (Co-DesCr) foreseen within the framework of WP6 - Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation activities at the Department Architecture and Design of the University of Genoa, Host Institution of the PULSE research. The first Event, titled "Representing& Crossing the Port-Cluster Landscape: Workshops Maps (WsMs)", will deal with the representation and visualisation aspects of extended port city landscapes and clusters, discussing the definition of the PULSE Atlas of Map.         
The Event will be articulated in two main activities: “Key-note Lectures & Round Tables” - the main key-note lectures will be held by Carola Hein and Yvonne van Mil (TU Delft, PortCityFutures Centre) and by Ilaria Delponte and Valentina Costa (UniGe, DICCA, CIELI);  “Call for Contributions Talks & Debate” - PULSE Call for Contributions participants debate the submitted abstracts through a 15-minutes on-screen presentation.         

PULSE INTERIM EVENT - Representing& Crossing the Port-Cluster Landscape: Workshops Maps (WsMs)         
Organized by University of Genoa - DAD          
Curator: Beatrice Moretti, PULSE PI         
15th April (h 09:30/18:30 - CET); Webinar Live (Blue Room at UniGe - DAD and Microsoft Teams); To connect: https://urly.it/3-6wz

Genoa (IT) | March 25th, 2024         
Geo-graphical Urbanism         

The Guest Lecture 06 is held by PhD Arch. and Assistant Professor Nikos Katsikis (Assistant Professor of Urban Design TU Delft, UTL – Chicago, NL/USA) and addresses the well-known theme of 'planetary urbanisation', theorised by Neil Brenner and Christian Schmid in the first decade of the 2000s, placing alongside it in the contemporary framework the idea of 'operational landscapes', resulting from the interaction between cities, hinterlands, anthropic actions and non-human communities.         

University of Genoa - DAD          
Master Degree Course in Architecture, a.y. 2023/2023         
Professors: Beatrice Moretti, Matteo Vianello; Room: 4H

Rome (IT) | March 1st-2nd, 2024         
ProArch | Convegno nazionale dei dottorati di ricerca in progettazione architettonica         

Beatrice Moretti presents the foundations of her research on port cities, from doctoral to post-doctoral development focusing on the spatiality of contemporary port clusters.

ProArch | Convegno nazionale dei dottorati di ricerca in progettazione architettonica         
Organized by Sapienza Università di Roma, Facoltà di Architettura         
Piazza Borghese 9, Roma (IT)         
March 1st (h 09:00/19:00 - CET); March 2nd (h 09:00/17:00 - CET)

Genoa (IT) | November 16th-18th, 2023         
ProArch Forum X  "Le parole e le forme"         

As a member of the Scientific Committee and Promoter and moderator of thematic sessions, Beatrice Moretti takes part in the X ProArch Forum entitled "Le parole e le forme" hosted in Genoa in November 2023.         ProArch is the Scientific Society of Italian University Professors in Architectural and Urban Design (ICAR/14, 15, 16) and organises a national conference each year.          
Beatrice Moretti contributes to the Call for Abstracts in the "S1.3 Ricerca" section, by proposing a review of the term "Cluster" applied to spatial disciplines in the port and coastal context.         

X Forum ProArch "Le parole e le forme"         
University of Genoa, Department Architecture and Design - DAD     
November 16th-18th, 2023 

Venice (IT) | October 27th, 2023         
PhD Symposium: Students as Researchers - Dottorandi in Formazione / Venice Biennale 2023       

Beatrice Moretti presents the main topics, methods and scientific products of the research group Coastal Design Lab, the integrated research and design studio founded by Carmen Andriani in 2014 at the University of Genoa, Department Architecture and Design - DAD, within which the PULSE project was initiated.

PhD Symposium: Students as Researchers         
Promoted by ADD Doctorate in Architecture and Design, UNIGE (Massimiliano Giberti, Coordinator) and DAD Department of Architecture and Design (Niccolò Casiddu, Director).         
Edited by Massimiliano Giberti (ADD Coordinator, UniGe) and Giulia Pellegri (Vice Dean, Polytechnic School, UniGe).         
As part of the Biennale side event "Students as Researchers: Creative Practice and University Education", organised by New York Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Design, curator Maria Perbellini.         

Biennale di Venezia, Centro Studi e Documentazione della Cultura Armena, Venice (IT)         
12:00/19:00 - CEST

Naples (IT) | October 23rd, 2023         
RETE Young Seminar "Sviluppo sostenibile delle città porto: il paesaggio costiero come ecosistema culturale"         

Beatrice Moretti participates in the thematic seminar on the sea-coast-city system as a cultural ecosystem. The seminar brings together experts from academia and institutions, together with young national and international researchers to discuss new scenarios for urban planning, architectural design, the economy of the sea and the various disciplinary fields involved.         

RETE Young Seminar          
Organized by RETE - Association for the Collaboration between Port s and Cities, CNR IRISS, Master in sustainable planning and design of port areas (DiARC, University Federico II of Naples and Osservatorio Nazionale Tutela del Mare - ONTM).

Petrillo Hall, CNR IRISS, Naples (Italy)         
9:30/13:30 - CEST

Bari (IT) | October 14th, 2023         
Master "Port City School. Per il governo delle città porto"          

Beatrice Moretti gives a lecture as part of the didactic programme of the 2nd level Master's degree "Port City School. Per il governo delle città porto" organised by the University of Bari "Aldo Moro".         
The Master's degree is promoted as part of the "SUM-SCHOOL of Urban Management" and is directed by Professor Giovanni Lagioia, Director of the Department of Economics, Management and Business Law at the University of Bari "Aldo Moro". The school is the brainchild of Gianfranco Dioguardi and stands as an institution dedicated to the training of specific skills aimed at the management of urban land management with particular reference to the port city. The institutions and bodies involved are: University of Bari, Department of Economics, Management and Business Law, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Gianfranco Dioguardi Foundation, Port System Authority of the Southern Adriatic Sea and Port System Authority of the Northern Adriatic Sea.         

Master "Port City School. Per il governo delle città porto"          
Organized by University of Bari "Aldo Moro", in cooperation with the Gianfranco Dioguardi Foundation and the Port System Authorities of the Southern and Northern Adriatic Sea         
15:00 17:00 - CEST, Bari (Italy).

Genoa (IT) | September 14th-15th, 2023         
PULSE KICK-OFF EVENT - Investigating & Recording the Port-Cluster Landscape: Call for Words (CforW)         

Beatrice Moretti, PULSE PI, organizes the first of the 3 Co-design & co-creation Events (Co-DesCr) foreseen within the framework of WP6 - Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation activities at the Department Architecture and Design of the University of Genoa, Host Institution of the PULSE research. The first Event, titled “KICK-OFF” - “Investigating & Recording the Port-Cluster Landscape: Call for Words (CforW)”, will deal with the conceptual and terminological aspects of the port-cluster landscape, defining a first version of the PULSE glossary.         
The Event will be articulated in two main activities: “Key-note Lectures & Round Tables” - the main lectures will be held by Cesar Ducruet (CNRS, EconomiX laboratory, University of Paris-Nanterre), Carmen Andriani (UniGe-DAD) and Karel Van den Berghe (TU Delft); “Call for Contributions Talks & Debate” - PULSE Call for Contributions participants debate the submitted abstracts through an on-screen presentation.         

PULSE KICK-OFF EVENT - Investigating & Recording the Port-Cluster Landscape: Call for Words (CforW)          
Organized by University of Genoa - DAD          
Curator: Beatrice Moretti, PULSE PI         
14th Sept (14:30/19:30), Room Edoardo Benvenuto; 15th Sept (09:30/19:00), Room 4L

Le Havre (FR) | June 15th, 2023         
AIVP Webinar "From port city visions to strategies"         

Beatrice Moretti moderates the live webinar “From port city visions to strategies” introductory to AIVP annual conference, planned in Venice in November 2023 on the theme "Linking Ports and Citizens: A shared vision for the Future". The webinar will reflect on the following questions. What are the best tools to plan a sustainable port-city relationship? How is it possible to engage with stakeholders and citizens in the development and implementation of such tools? What are the appropriate scales and timelines?          

AIVP Live Webinar "From port city visions to strategies"         
Le Havre (France), organized by AIVP - The worldwide network of port cities         
AIVP Speaker (to present the program): Josè Sanchez, Director of Agenda AIVP 2030, Projects and Content.         
Speakers: Mr. Fulvio Lino Di Blasio, President of the Port of Venice; Mr. Mario Girard, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Quebec Port Authority, Canada, Vice President of the AIVP.

To watch the Webinar: https://youtu.be/RVeyMm3Trnc  

Istanbul (TR) | June 14th-15th, 2023         
ICCAUA - International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism 

Beatrice Moretti     
Technical Land-Sea Spaces: Impacts of the Port Clusterization Phenomenon on coasts, cities and architectures

Beatrice Moretti gives a lecture on the phenomenon of spatial stretching that is imposing a profound evolution, both formal and institutional, in the sphere of contemporary port cities and regions. The lecture gives first insights about the research methodology oriented in this phase to the definition of a indicator systems of the cluster dimension. The presentation questions the spatial impacts introduced by port clusters in the field of architectural design.         

6th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism - ICCAUA2023         
Alanya Hamdullah Emin Paşa University, Istanbul (Turkey)         
Chairman of the Conference: Dr. Hourakhsh A. Nia, AHEP University, Alanya, Antalya, TR.         
Special Session "Coastal and Maritime Spaces", proposed by The University IUAV, Venice (IT)         
Chairs: Paolo De Martino and Fabio Carella (IUAV).

Genoa (IT) | May 22nd, 2023         
Water Challenges through the lens of Port Cities         

The Guest Lecture 04 is held by  PhD Arch. Paolo De Martino (Delft University of Technology / University of Venice, IUAV) and addresses the topic of water cities in the light of predicted rising sea levels. The lecture looks at the theme of water and the challenges related to climate change through the lens of port cities, unique territories in transition at the intersection of land and water.         

University of Genoa - DAD          
Master Degree Course in Architecture, a.y. 2022/2023         
Professors: Beatrice Moretti, Michele Manigrasso; Room: 4C

Rome (IT) | May 18th, 2023         
Italian Port Days         

As part of the Festival of Sustainable Development 2023, Beatrice Moretti presents the PULSE project at the event/workshop "Italian Port Days - Italian ports and the relationship with communities" organized by Assoporti - Italian Ports Association together with the Italian Port System Authorities. On this occasion, a Framework Convention (Convenzione Quadro) and an Implementation Agreement (Accordo Attuativo) will be signed by DAD, in the person of the Director Prof. Arch. Niccolò Casiddu, and by Assoporti for the development of a research collaboration on PULSE issues. In particular, the two entities intend to share data collection through the network of Italian Port System Authorities belonging to Assoporti, dissemination and communication activities and public events/seminars that are currently under planning.         

Festival of Sustainable Development 2023         
Italian Port Days "Italian ports and the relationship with communities"         
Parlamentino of Public Works of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport - MIT, Rome (Italy)         
Organized by Assoporti - Italian Ports Association together with the Italian Port System Authorities.

Genoa (IT) | May 15th, 2023         
Learning by Portolans. Reading and Re-writing the built coastline         

The Guest Lecture 03 is held by DD PhD Arch. Stefanos Antoniadis (Faculty of Architecture - FA, University of Lisbon - ULisboa) and addresses the trend according to which, by 2050, more than half of the world's population will live within 50 km of major masses of water. This results in strategies that must draw insipiration from investigation practices such as those typical of the nautical discipline, represented by the pilot books.          

University of Genoa - DAD          
Master Degree Course in Architecture, a.y. 2022/2023         
Professors: Beatrice Moretti, Michele Manigrasso; Room: 4C

Milan (IT) | April, 28th 2023         
Critical Grounds Lab: Insular Narratives      

Beatrice Moretti     
Extended Territories between Land and Sea. A set of Researches and Projects

Beatrice Moretti gives a lecture focusing on her main lines of scientific research and strategic design dealing with port cities in the extended territories between land and sea.  By exploring the formal and compositional aspects of ports as exceptional spatial formations, the lecture claims the design of operational zones, port clusters and coastal settlements in the experimental field of architecture.         

Critical Grounds Lab: Insular Narratives 2023          
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies - DASTU         
MSc Landscape Architecture Studio, a.y. 2022/2023         
Professors: Prof. Francesco Garofalo, Prof. Chiara Geroldi, Tutors: Ludovica Barcucci, Enrica Brusa, Kostantinos Venis.         

April 7th, 2023         
"TgR Buone Notizie: premiata la ricerca al femminile"         
Deindustrialisation and port clusters at the centre of Ligurian research. Funded by the Ministry two studies by the University of Genoa that will explore these particular aspects of our landscape         
Broadcast on RAI News Liguria         

Genoa (IT) | April 3rd, 2023         
Inclusive Urbanism         

The Guest Lecture 02 is held by Arch. Julian Schubert (Something Fantastic, GER) and addresses the city as the manifestation of the urban condition. If awareness prevails that earth in its entirety is urbanized, urbanism vice versa needs to include everything.         

University of Genoa - DAD          
Master Degree Course in Architecture, a.y. 2022/2023         
Professors: Beatrice Moretti, Michele Manigrasso; Room: 4C

Rotterdam (NL) | March 31st, 2023         
PortCity Futures #37         

Beatrice Moretti presents PULSE, as a collaborative research project, at the monthly plenary meeting of the multidisciplinary research group PortCity Futures (Leiden - Delft - Rotterdam alliance). PortCity Futures is a PULSE partner and its members will be an active part of the dissemination and communication activities.         

PortCity Futures, Monthly Meeting #37         
Erasmus University Rotterdam (Campus Woudestein)         
PCF Director: Prof. Dr. ing. Carola Hein         

Delft (NL) | March 22nd, 2023         
Adaptive Strategies. Designing Scenarios for Port Cities  

Beatrice Moretti     
Land-Sea & Port-City Researches. Backgrounds, Foundations, new Routes

Beatrice Moretti gives a lecture on her main lines of research, tracing a trajectory of continuity, hybridisation and experimentation in the field of land-sea and city-port studies.         

ADAPTIVE STRATEGIES Designing Scenarios for Port Cities         
Delft University of Technology - TU Delft (The Netherlands)         
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment          
MSc_ Architecture, spring semester, a.y. 2022/2023         
Course Coordinator: Prof. Dr. ing. Carola Hein, Teaching Staff: Paolo De Martino, John Hanna

Genoa (IT) | March 20th, 2023         
Genoa Seminar Week | Topography and Typology 

Beatrice Moretti     
Nine (verisimilar) Maps. Genoa as a Paradigm

Beatrice Moretti gives a lecture focusing on similarities and dissimilarities, analogies and recurrences, dichotomies and dualisms concerning the port city of Genoa. Nine maps are the main tools of the verisimilar communication.         

Department of Architecture         
ETH Zürich (CH)         
The Seminar Week is organized together with the Department Architecture and Design - DAD of the University of Genoa (Referent: Prof. Arch. Valter Scelsi).

Genoa (IT) | March 13th, 2023         
Ground Beyond Land. Aestethics, Programs and Politics of the Ocean as a Human Settlement         

The Guest Lecture 01 is held by PhD Arch. Matteo Vianello (Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, IT) and addresses the urbanisation of seaspace as a series of terrestrial forms of occupation beyond land; this reveals an autonomous and specific design entity: the project of the ground beyond the land.         

University of Genoa - DAD          
Master Degree Course in Architecture, a.y. 2022/2023         
Professors: Beatrice Moretti, Michele Manigrasso; Room: 4C

SITE VISIT         
Genoa (IT) | March 6th, 2023         
Port Excursion in Extreme Environments         

Beatrice Moretti and Master students visit the eastern areas of the port of Genoa dedicated to ship repair and construction, dry docks and marinas for yachting and nautical activities. The visit also extends to the construction site under construction of the new Waterfront di Levante.         

University of Genoa - DAD          
Master Degree Course in Architecture, a.y. 2022/2023         
Professors: Beatrice Moretti, Michele Manigrasso         

Genoa (IT) | February 27th, 2023         
Beyond the Port City. Towards new Narratives and Strategies for Port-City Environments         

Beatrice Moretti lectures on the urban specificity and morphology of port cities, introducing the concept of "portuality" and "port-city threshold" and outlining new design approaches for operational coastal spaces.          

University of Genoa - DAD          
Master Degree Course in Architecture, a.y. 2022/2023         
Professors: Beatrice Moretti, Michele Manigrasso         

Genoa (IT) | February 22th, 2023         
City and Port. Possible Interactions         

Under the direction of Beatrice Moretti as supervisor, student Martina Ghersi discusses her Bachelor of Science in Architecture thesis entitled "City and Port. Possible Interactions".         
The thesis was evaluated with full marks and honours.

University of Genoa - DAD         
Bachelor of Science Degree in Architectural Sciences         

Genoa (IT) | February 20th, 2023         
Port City, City Port, The Port and the City, The City and its Port.         
But even before, what is a Port?         

Beatrice Moretti lectures on the founding characteristics and attributive and peculiar components of the port city organism, employing iconography and a selected bibliography as main tools.          

University of Genoa - DAD          
Master Degree Course in Architecture, a.y. 2022/2023         
Professors: Beatrice Moretti, Michele Manigrasso         

February 15th, 2023         
"PULSE: New research will focus on the spatial impact of port clusters"         
Published on AIVP Newsletter - PortCity Insight         

January 31st, 2023         
"Progetti finanziati NextGenEU"         
Published on UniGe-DAD website         

January 30th 2023         
"Next Generation EU: 5 Young Researchers UniGe"         
Published on UniGe.life         

Cover: Frame from "The Forgotten Space”, a film essay seeking to understand the contemporary maritime world in relation to the symbolic legacy of the sea by Allan Sekula & Noel Burch (2010).